What is it about 23 six and seven year olds that can be so hard? You can spend your holidays dreaming about how wonderful you are going to be as a teacher and how positive and gentle and caring you are, the lovely work that is going to be produced and the glowing faces looking back at you in awe of your awesomeness and lovely teacher-ness......when the reality is that they are wanting to do as little as possible, cause as much trouble as possible and make you lose your cool every 5 seconds (not difficult when its 33 degrees in the classroom!) Yes OK I admit I have already lost my mojo and it is only two weeks in to the term. Last week I had cleptomaniac Lachlan who liked the look of the chocolates on my desk, all foil and bright colours, how could he resist? This was closely followed by the lunch down the toilet incident that made me quite angry, because flushing a friend's lunch is not what I call socially acceptable.....then there's the room, which as you can see was nice and fresh and clean and all educational looking. Now it is full of crumbs and spilt drinks and paint pots not washed up from Friday and mounds of marking on my desk and pens and pencils everywhere. I know....I have to get over it, just like every other year, get on with the task of being all the things I mentioned above.
A little anecdote: As it was my birthday I had two boxes of chocolates on my desk (minus a few that got stolen by lochy) from my lovely new colleagues. As teaching is very tiring and hot and robs you of any blood sugar, I was munching on said chocolates, well, grazing all day as and when the opportunity arose. One of my dear female lovelies was overheard saying to another lovely, "When I grow up I want to be a teacher just like Mrs F and eat chocolate all day"
If only.....
can you hum the tune...'Memmmmories....."
ReplyDeletewhat a wonderment to have chocolates on your desk! and colour on your bulletin boards, and twenty-three who think you are a goddess!
Amidon actually means starch in french eh. Here in Switzerland we call baloney Fromage D'italie.
ReplyDeleteIf I had lost my mojo two weeks in, I'd find it in a box of chocolates.
ReplyDeleteHappy belated Birthday.
(thanks for your recent comments!)
The "before" shot looks fab. So bright and welcoming.
ReplyDeleteThey are lucky to have you. They just may not realise it for quite a few years :-)