1. I would have liked to have had lots and lots of children.
2. I like clean, fresh, cotton sheets, just off the line and straight on the bed.
3. I love to sleep in, but rarely ever do.
4. I would have liked to have been something quite shallow, like an artist, cafe owner, interior designer if I wasn't a teacher.
5. I have a book floating around in my head, which one day I will get some uninterrupted time to write.
6. I am very lazy, hate exercise, bicycle shorts and detest gymnasiums.
7. I have hundreds of books that I have only read half (or less) of.
8. I love nothing better than people watching. I can do it for hours.
9. I have never had a manicure or a pedicure, I don't understand nail polish at all.
10. I have a very short attention span and get bored easily.
11. I hate wearing bras. Any chance I get, it's off and thrown down in disgust.
12. I secretly love kiddie foods like macaroni cheese, finger buns, fairy bread, jelly, cookies with smiley faces on them, kinder eggs.....
13. I hate cold weather. Frost, snow, ice, sleet and fog are all the weather of the devil . He also invented scarfs, beanies, winter coats, thermal underwear and gloves; how hideous and impractical are these things??!!...
14. I love comfortable shoes, when I die I will be cremated in my birkenstocks.
15. I like nothing more than spending the whole day in my pyjamas. I can't remember the last time this actually happened, and as I write this I vowe to make it soon.
16. If I can't spend the whole day in my pj's, then I love to spend it in my togs and a sarong.
17. I like doing housework, even cleaning toilets gives me satisfaction. I love the feeling I get when the whole house is clean.
18. The only thing I like about winter is flanellette.....aaahhh flannellette is God's own gorgouesness. Flanno pyjamas and flanno sheets. Heaven.
19. I hate putting clean washing away. I like to wash, hang, fold and sort, but would prefer to have mountains of clean washing than actually get it put away.
20. I secretly dream of walk-in wardrobes and pantries.
21. I love stationery, paper, pens, pencils anything gorgeous that makes writing and organising fun.
22. My left eye is smaller than my right eye.
23. My left foot is bigger than my right foot. (balances out my eyes!)
24. People with bad grammar and elecution annoy me.
25. I swear a lot. I swear too much.