Monday, January 19, 2009

Gardening is good for the soul.

Gardening is a source of joy for me. I love to potter around and water, pull out the occasional opportunistic weed and just sit and look at the garden. We have a very small garden, but we make optimal use of every square centimetre. My garden is an endless source of aesthetic beauty and relaxation. It is not formal, but whimsical and ephemeral , changing and evolving over time. It is a garden that feeds my creative and artistic needs.
A beautiful mess. By no means minimal and stark, but full to the brim with bits and pieces of natural beauty, including lichen infested boulders, driftwood, sculptures, statues and miriads of random pots and plants. We are very lucky that we live in a sub-tropical environment where devine things like palms, ferns, bromeliads, citrus, cacti, frangipani, bouganvillea, ginger, olive trees, heliconias, birds of paradise and hibiscus can thrive with little or no maintenance, and our garden is full to overflowing with all of these things. Occasionally we have a little anxiety about where we are going to get the water to keep them alive.....and then we have one of our Summer Storms and the water tanks fill with lovely cloud juice.
Tonight we had lovely long-waited for rain and the garden has really licked it all up. I am back at work this week, so am feeling a bit sad that I won't be able to just sit in my big comfy chairs and look at my garden for hours at a time.


  1. Your garden pics are beautiful. Tell me what camera you use. Also, love the house. I hear it's humid. Yuck!
    I love garden statuary. I have it all over -- I mean tastefully. haha
    The mother and child you have is beautiful.
    At least you still have a job...try to look at that as the bright side.

  2. Thanks POD! It is sooo humid here today, you can't move without working up a big huge sweat!
    It is very YUCK, but I prefer heat to cold so can't complain. It's a good excuse to do as little as possible.
    The camera is our newly purchased CANON EOS 100D digital SLR. It fits all our old lenses from our film camera. My husband has taken a while to convert to digital as he is a bit of a film purist. But we are having lots of fun with it, which was the aim!
