Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mind Reading

Many people think that if their loved one truly loved them whey would know how they felt and what they needed.
This is because if they really, really, really loved us they would do anything for us.
I think the if we feel displeasure or distress, the person who professes to love me should realise my unhappiness and FIX IT!!!!!!!!!
Why is that so bloody hard????


  1. Yes but when that loved one has a y chromosome it muddies the water some what...
    Should have been a lesbian.,babe.
    Hugs again.

  2. I'm sort of with Amy on this one. My loved one had the nerve to blame me for his lack of excitement. I'm not in the entertainment business and if I were, you think I'd be hanging with the likes of him?

  3. cause, sweet malony balony, that life is fantasy..great in a book..doesn't work in real life..ask our friend Di..she explain really well how it works..

    I love you, the world loves you, but some of us are better mind readers than others.


  4. Hooray, baloney...I managed to post on your blog..makes me feel included! I absolutely wish I could make you feel happy cause you give me so much joy!! just by being you. I miss my Brissie MISS more than you might imagine.

